It is officially the start of a new semester. I'm so looking forward to what God has in store for this new year. Granted, we are already 3 weeks into the new year, but I'm already seeing God work and move in me and in this ministry in just three short weeks!
As some of you know, I got to go to the Passion conference at the beginning of this year. While the conference itself was great, it is what God began to stir up in my heart that really excites me! I am really only beginning to understand that in all of life's circumstances it is Jesus that I am to glorify. Situations in my life can't really change that when my priorities are lined up with what they ought. The famous quote from John Piper is really ringing true with me in this new year, that "God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in Him." God is really starting to show me what that looks like. It hasn't been an easy journey though. God is really revealing to me who I am and the gap between that and who He wants me to be.
On a somewhat different note, I'm beginning to see how God is changing this ministry to what He wants it to be. At the beginning of this year the Executive Director decided that we should start praying every Friday night together as a whole and even invite the residents to join us in an effort to unify the whole house. Now, this is not to say that we don't pray, we totally pray. However, up to this point we hadn't spent hours together as a whole collective group praying for the single purpose that God be glorified in us individually and as a team and for His will to truly be our desire and that our residents would come to know Him. Through this time that we've spent together in prayer, I've seen lives changed and the effects of lives in the process of being changed. These couple of hours we spend together every week have let me see the reason this ministry exists, which is to impact the lives of two generations by showing young mothers the way of the cross. It makes me so excited to see this and to hang on to the remembrance of the moment hearing one of our residents with all the desire and passion in her heart praying for the change of heart in another resident. Sometimes it's hard when you feel like you just want to wring the neck of one of these girls (and let's face it... if you dealt with pregnant, hormonal, angry teenage girls on a daily basis, you would feel this way sometimes too! :D), to remember where they came from and how God has changed their lives just by being here. It helps to hang on to little moments where God really shines through.
I'm so excited to see what God does in the remainder 49 weeks of this year!
As you pray, please pray for these young women who find themselves here. We have some who have high risk pregnancies and are nervous and worried about what could happen. Others are close to their delivery date and are anxious about that. All of them just need to meet God face-to-face and know the true love of our Heavenly Father.
I love y'all so much!
1 Peter 1:7
"Once you feel the weight of God's glory, all your pain will fade to memory."
ReplyDeleteIt seems everywhere I turn, the focus is on giving God the glory! The whole entire purpose of our life as a child of God is to give God the glory - not to evangelize, to give money to the poor - all that happens when we give God the glory. But if we do it without God giving us the Glory then we are like a clanging gong and a useless vessel! PTL you are grasping this in your youth...for some of us it comes much later!
Love you sweety!
Aunt Susan