Not the way I thought my life would turn out, but here I am in Savannah and working with a group of people that I love. As I've been here, I've come to see more of who God wants me to be and where I am in that process.
God continues to teach me more about myself and show me problem areas that I never thought were problem areas! For example, I have always thought of myself as a patient person. But, two weeks ago, we got a new resident who is 14 years old and does everything any normal 14 year old would do. She is extremely picky and feels that the only thing she can control is her food intake, which means, if she's never had it or thinks it might be different than the other brand she's had, she won't touch it. So she hasn't eaten real food (this excludes the doughnut she ate) in a week and a half. Last night I went to the grocery store with her to get foods that she liked. We went to pick up some sausage and she picked up the most expensive brand **Note: we are on a really tight budget and every penny counts** so I found the exact same sausage, except a different brand that was on sale. She told me that the two brands taste so different that she wouldn't eat the other brand. There have been other situations that have occurred exactly like this one but with different products and it's all I can do to stay sane and not get frustrated in their faces. It doesn't make any sense... How can people who are so poor, be so picky. Then God promptly reminds me that I'm here, not to get mad at their dumb decisions, but to help and direct them so that in future situations, they will choose the right decisions.
I am constantly reminded of how much I can do on my own (that would be NADA). These girls will never see God through me if I don't give Him everything so that He can work.
I don't feel like I have anything brilliant to say today except for God is moving me in ways I didn't know I could and would go. I'm excited to see where He takes me but I'm also nervous because that path has so many unknowns.
For some reason, my brain isn't thinking and I can't think of other prayer requests that I haven't mentioned, so if you would continue to pray for the things I've mentioned in previous posts I would be very appreciative!
1 Peter 1:7
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